Get a FREE Design Thinking Workshop

2 hour introduction for your team

In this interactive session, you'll learn the fundamentals of this innovative approach to problem-solving. Design Thinking is a human-centered process that helps teams understand user needs, redefine problems, and create innovative solutions.

You'll discover how to:

  • Empathize with your users and uncover their true needs.
  • Define clear and actionable problem statements.
  • Generate creative ideas and brainstorm effectively.
  • Prototype your ideas quickly and efficiently.
  • Test your solutions and iterate based on feedback.

This introductory session is perfect for anyone looking to drive innovation and solve complex problems within their organization. Don't miss this opportunity to empower yourself and your team with Design Thinking skills!

We prefer to run this session in-person where possible though online via Zoom is possible too.

Presented by Phil Smithson, CEO On-Off Group, The Failure School, and Human-Centered Design Facilitator at World Bank Group.

Book a session for your team